Was Bleibt

SWR, Filmakademie Baden-Württemberg
Filmstill for "was bleibt". A few people gathering in south africa.

TV-Documentary for SWR (dir. Lotta Pommerien)

Images of destroyed houses, crying women and children, injured soldiers - we are confronted with such scenes daily, sometimes inundated by them. It seems to be boiling over everywhere in the world. The horrifying news of our time reaches our screens, newspapers, and television. But who actually delivers these news reports? And how do these people cope with it? This film follows Silke Diettrich, Juliane Tutein, and Simone Schlindwein in their work in crisis areas. India/Afghanistan, Belarus/Ukraine, Uganda/Congo - these are the countries these women report from. They must deal with patriarchal structures, dictators, and terrorist organizations. They constantly oscillate between exceptional situations and their private lives. The film poses the question of how the three journalists manage to cope with what they experience in their work. How much their profession and vocation blur together, and how breaks become scarce. And to what extent the fact that they are women plays a role in their reporting.

"Was bleibt" had it s Premiere in Competition at the Internationale Hofer Filmtage 2023 and can also be watched in the ARD-Mediathek!

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